Matt Kahn is Director of Direct Marketing at the NRCC. I've had the pleasure and opportunity to get to know and partner with Matt over the last year, and see some...
Do this one thing to integrate brand and fundraising effectively
If there's one person who "gets it" when it comes to the intersection of brand and fundraising, that's my friend Olga Woltman, Founder of Lemon Skies, and host of the...
The future of fundraising is relational
The idea that the future of fundraising is relational should not be revolutionary. In the world of major and mega gift fundraising, all of our work is relational. But for far too...
What REALLY causes fundraiser turnover? In the nonprofit sector there's always talk about the "18-month" turnover cycle for fundraisers. But is it true? We wanted to know with certainty whether that was an accurate narrative or...
Know Your Calling. And Do It.
Tracy Thomas is a rabblerouser. A change leader. A force. She's also a loving mom, a caring wife, and a committed believer. Tracy and I sat down to have a...
Why Soliciting Asset-based Gifts is Essential to your Nonprofit’s Success
I originally published this episode as an article over at DickersonBakker. Hope you enjoy the audio version as well! - AndrewAccording to Pew Charitable Trust, the aggregate wealth of middle-income Americans...
Creating the Perfect Donor Communication
We nonprofit marketers have sweated and tested to create the perfect donor communication. But it doesn't exist.Humans are so different in so many different ways that there is no perfect...
Rethinking Nonprofit Marketing
Rather than thinking of marketing as a task to be done inside your nonprofit organization, it's time that we start thinking about marketing as a proactive, strategic ambassador for the...
Nonprofit Digital Strategies for Growth
There are few in our sector who have the kind of deep experience, fresh perspective, and drive for growth and excellence like David Schwab. David is Director of Growth Marketing at...
How to build a THRIVING nonprofit culture
Culture has to be experienced. It can't just be talked about. Most nonprofit organizations can't compete for talent with their for-profit peers from a compensation standpoint. But they can absolutely compete...