Today's guest post is from my good friend and colleague, Karen Erren. As a career nonprofit executive and fundraising leader, Karen has spent more than 20 years building, growing, and leading...
7 #Nonprofit Blog Posts You Shouldn’t Miss
If you’re like the dozens of other fundraisers I know, chances are you’re pretty busy these days. But you still want to be learning and sharpening your skills too. Here’s...
Is it ever ok NOT to retain donors?
Maybe you saw this headline in The Chronicle of Philanthropy last Friday: Charities Lost 103 Donors For Every 100 Donors They Gained in 2014, Says Study. Nonprofits are right to...
What nonprofits can learn from reality TV
I asked Greg Warner, CEO/Founder of MarketSmart if he'd share his take on the two biggest mistakes that nonprofits make. And if you happen to know Greg (I'm thoroughly...
5 Great Online Tools For Nonprofits
I'm always on the lookout for new tools that make it easier for fundraising and nonprofit leaders to get their jobs done. Unique ways for nonprofits to engage their supporters,...
Guest Post from Roy C. Jones, CFRE:
Today's guest post on the biggest mistake fundraisers make is from my great friend (and co-author of Rainmaking: The Fundraiser's Guide To Landing Big Gifts), Roy C. Jones, CFRE. “For...
Middle donor engagement increases revenue by 20%+
In the third quarter of 2014 one of my clients -- a small hunger and poverty relief organization -- began implementing a middle donor engagement strategy that included phone calls, handwritten thank...
Guest Post: Two of the biggest mistakes nonprofits make
As I continue with the second installment in this series on the biggest mistakes nonprofits make, I've asked veteran nonprofit executive and fundraising consultant, Jim Shapiro, to share his thoughts...
WEBINAR: Maximizing the Middle
Middle donors, like middle children, are often overlooked. Most nonprofits have defined major gift programs, and annual giving programs for lower level donors. Very few, however, spend the effort to...
Guest Post: The two biggest monthly giving mistakes nonprofits make
I'm launching a new series focused on the biggest fundraising mistakes nonprofits make. To kick off this series, I asked my friend Erica Waasdorp, author of Monthly Giving. The Sleeping...