I often encounter nonprofit leaders who tell me that they refuse to use a certain effective fundraising technique or channel because they "don't believe in it" or they "don't like...
Helping you lead successfully and execute effectively.
Good decision-making requires good data. But most nonprofits never invest in the kind of tools that can allow them to capture and categorize their data to support better decision-making.
Leader: Guard your tongue. It might feel good to yell at someone once in a while. It might feel good to engage in gossip or to verbally take down that...
A mentor of mine recently asked me, “What’s the hardest lesson you’ve had to learn in your career?” That question stopped me in my tracks. There are so many lessons...
I posted the following statement on LinkedIn and it got a TON of feedback. A lot of that feedback was negative, with people telling me that my idea was entirely...
https://youtu.be/LEwTJW5bNRY Nonprofits continue to struggle with fewer donors giving every year. The economy plays a part in that. But more than anything, our social contract with donors is broken. If...
https://youtu.be/2bfJx3F5IEc There are so many fantastic and talented fundraisers in our nonprofit sector. What frustrates so many of them is that organizations often have outdated budgeting processes and business rules...
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