Since I announced my career move just a few days ago the response has been overwhelmingly positive – thank you all who have reached out to congratulate, etc.!
A few people have also asked, “WHY would you make a move like this? What’s behind this?”
Those are fair questions, and I wanted to take a few minutes to answer them.
Philanthropy is at a crossroads, and if organizations want to continue raising significant dollars to fund mission, they need to think and act differently
I’m passionate about finding ways to serve and appreciate ALL donors the same way that you typically treat only your top 50-100 donors, because generosity isn’t just about the number of zeros on a check
If you want to raise more money for your cause and make a bigger impact in the world, I’d love to talk with you. Reach out to me on LinkedIn to connect. I’d love to brainstorm how you can increase your impact.
Do you struggle to keep your organization top of mind with supporters and your community? Relevant Marketing Solutions creates custom-branded merchandise and tangible marketing collateral to help you cultivate brand champions and multiply your impact.
Reach out to Relevant Marketing Solutions or email them at info(at)relevantadvantage(dot)com to learn how they can help increase your brand impact. Be sure to mention Rainmaker Fundraising Podcast to get 10% off your first order!